Vossle Wiki


Vossle is a cloud-based SaaS platform that allows user to create AR experiences without any coding expertise.

The user can create an account on Vossle to create their WebAR experience over the web with no need to download any specific application.

AR experience created are highly compatible and can be accessed with any modern smartphone web browsers.

Vossle offers creation of the following list of experiences:

  1. Markerless
  2. AR Games
  3. Virtual Try-ons (using AR Face Detection)
  4. Workflow
  5. Advertisements
  6. Marker-Based

What’s new?


Vossle v1.8: Chat GPT Integration with Vossle AR

  • Vossle has integrated AI-driven Chat GPT as its latest feature. This one-of-a-kind integration is an evolutionary step towards popularising Augmented Reality by making it faster and easier. (Read More Here)

Vossle Releases v1.7: AI-powered Wrist Try-Ons Launched

  • Wrist Try-on: Vossle adds Wrist Try-On as its latest feature to add more value to its users’ AR creation journey. (Read More Here)
Vossle Releases v1.6: Introducing AI-powered Ring Try-Ons
  • Ring Try-on: Ring Try-On is the latest feature built by the Vossle team for our valued customers to assist them in their AR journey. (Read More Here)

In release v1.5, Vossle introduced the following features:

  • Jewelry Try-On: Vossle introduces Jewelry Try-On under release v1.5. This feature allows users to try on 3D models of jewelry.

In release v1.4, Vossle introduced the following features:

  • WebAR Games creation: Vossle users can now create WebAR games without writing any code. (Read more here)

In version 1.3

  • We introduced Chromakeys Greenscreen Effect for videos. (Read more here)

In version 1.2

  • We introduced Face Detection & Try-On features to Vossle. (Read more here)

How To Create An Account On Vossle

Step 1: Go to vossle.ai and click on Sign up at the top right corner of the home page. Fill in the form and click on ‘Submit’. You will receive a verification email on the email entered.

vossle signup page

Step 2: Click on the verification link received on the email to verify your account.

In case you have not received the verification link, click on resend link button.

vossle verification link

Visit Vossle Dashboard to get directed to the login page.

Step 3: Enter your User ID and password in the given fields and click the ‘Login‘ button to access your profile page.

vossle login page

Step 4: Now click on the ‘Create AR’  button to get started with Vossle.

create ar

How To Create A WebAR Experience On Vossle?

Now that you’ve signed up and created an account on Vossle, what to do next?

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a WebAR experience on Vossle and navigate you through the dashboard.

5-step guide that will enable you to create a  Vossle Experiences

Step 1 – Log onto vossle with your details to access the Vossle dashboard. (If you don’t have the credentials, click here to create an account on Vossle.)

Step 2 – Once logged-in, you would be presented with 5 types of experiences-

  1. Markerless
  2. Games
  3. Tryons
  4. Workflow
  5. Advertisement
  6. Marker-Based(If you don’t know which type of experience to create, go here to understand what each experience is.)
markerless ar

Step 3 – Choose any of the six options. In this example, we will show you how to create a Marker-less AR experience.

Step 4 – After that, you have to fill in the following details.

  • Experience Name: Give a name here to the AR experience you wish to create.
    (Note – The URL generated of the experience will depend on the name you mention here)
  • Enable Splash Image: This toggle button helps you put a splash image in your experience.
    (A splash image is an image that pops up once the user scans your QR code or clicks on the link to access your AR experience.)
  • Content File: Upload the 3D animation file of your experience. The supported formats are –  GLB, JPG, PNG, and MP4. You can also use ChatGPT to create content to be displayed in AR.
  • Enable Placement: Choose whether to place the AR object on a flat surface as the dragon in the video or keep it afloat.
  • Audio file: Upload an audio file in MP3 format to your experience. You can specify the instance when the audio starts.
  • Light Setting Range: Adjust the amount of light to be placed on the AR object to merge it with the real environment.
  • Label: Name your AR experience. For example, the name of an experience can be Pikachu on the name of the AR character in the Pokemon Go game.
  • Website Link: This is the location on the internet where the user lands after tapping on the ‘i’ button available on the right side of the screen.
  • GA Code:  It is a unique identifier that helps Google Analytics to collect data from your website. Insert your GA code and the data will be available on your dashboard.
  • Geo Location: To make the AR experience location-based. You can insert the longitudes, longitudes, and distance.

Step 5 – Click on the ‘Submit’ button on the bottom. Your AR experience is ready with the link and QR in front of you to access it. Share it with anyone to access the experience without any specific app requirement.

qr code and link vossle

What is Markerless AR Feature on Vossle?

Vossle’s Markerless AR feature eliminates the need for any physical trigger to set off the experience. 

This means that the user doesn’t need a particular item or product with themself around which the AR virtual content can be wrapped.

These experiences get triggered on their own once the user clicks on the link or scans the QR code. 

However, with Vossle you can choose whether to place the AR object on a surface or keep it afloat in space.

How can I use Markerless AR for my business?

The possibilities are enormous with the Vossle platform as it depends on you how you would want to utilize it.

Organize Virtual Promotional Events

Let users attend your live virtual event where you can talk about your product and services, give demonstrations and raise awareness of your business. 

The user can scan the QR code or click on the link and, in just a few seconds, they will find themselves in front of the stage.

Gamer can meet their favorite characters

Many gaming and animation companies use Markerless AR to allow their fans to meet their favorite characters.

Here too, the process is simple. The fans have to access the link and their favorite character will be standing in their living room.

Share messages with the audience

Markerless AR can also be used to share any particular message with the target audience. The message can be your brand story, production process, or a CTA for a noble cause.

What are the benefits of Markerless AR?

Markerless AR bring various benefits to the table

  1. It eliminates the need to capture a physical marker. 
  2. It is more immersive and can cover the user from all sides.
  3. It can be accessed from anywhere.
  4. Users can share it with users, thereby, reaching a wider audience.

How can you create your Markerless experience with Vossle?

Step 1 – Login onto vossle with your details to access the Vossle dashboard. 

(If you don’t have these credentials, click here to learn how to create an account on Vossle.)

Web Browser Require-ments for Vossle

To support Vossle’s WebAR experiences, mobile web browsers need the following functionalities:
  • WebGL (canvas.getContext
    ('webgl') || canvas.getContext('webgl2'))
  • deviceorientation (window.DeviceOrientationEvent - only if SLAM is enabled)
  • getUserMedia (navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia)
  • Web-Assembly/WASM (window.WebAssembly)


NOTE: In order to access cameras through web browsers, Vossle’s Web AR experience should be accessed via https.

It results in the compatibility for iOS and Android devices as given below:

  • iOS:
    • Safari (iOS 11+)
    • Apps using SFSafariViewController web views (iOS 13+)
      • Apple added getUserMedia() support to SFSafariViewController in iOS 13. Vossle works within iOS 13 apps that use SFSafariViewController web views.
      • Examples: Slack, Discord, Twitter, Gmail, Hangouts, etc.
    • Apps/Browsers using ] WKWebView web views (iOS 14.3+)
      • Examples:
        • Chrome
        • Facebook
        • Facebook Messenger
        • Firefox
        • Microsoft Edge
        • Instagram etc
  • Android:
    • The following browsers natively support the features required for WebAR:
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Samsung Internet
      • Microsoft Edge
    • Apps that use Web Views to support the features required for WebAR:
      • Slack, Twitter, WhatsApp, Gmail, Hangouts, LinkedIn, Reddit, etc.

Vossle link-out support for enhanced accessibility

To provide access to the native apps that do not support Web AR natively such as TikTok, you can direct the user to browsers links to experience page. This is only possible on apps that support external linking feature. We have added this functionality to maximize the reach of the WebAR projects.

Frameworks Supported by Vossle accessibility

Vossle can easily be integrated into 3D JavaScript frameworks like:

  • Babylon.js
  • A-Frame
  • Amazon Sumerian
  • Three.js
  • PlayCanvas
Platform Lighting AR Background Camera Motion Vertical Surfaces Image Detection Image Tracking Face Detection World Points Hit Tests




6 DoF (Scale Free)





