Definition of Augmented Reality (AR)
Augmented Reality (AR) refers to experiences in which a real-world environment is enhanced with digital elements such as images, text, and videos. Augmented Reality could be applied to both visuals of the front-facing (selfie) and back-facing (world) cameras.
If you ask Gen Z whether they’ve used a filter on any social media lately, the answer will be a hard yes!
Filters have become an all-pervasive AR feature that millions of people use daily. While Gen Z is an avid user of filters on their phones, the older generation is not too far behind. At times we don’t even realize it but we’re using a filter, be it to glam up a photo or for just silly fun, or to raise our voice on serious social issues.
Brands have begun to see the potential AR filters, also known as augmented reality filters or lenses, hold as a marketing tool. Many have started to leverage it, one way or another especially since Instagram filters and Snapchat lenses are now being used by the biggest brands around the world to drive brand awareness and better engage their audience.
Imagine hundreds and hundreds of people coming across a filter on social media that you created. The same filter can have your brand’s name, website links, and so much more that people can be redirected to.
Since AR can be shared easily, the more people interact with your filter, the more the chances of it being shared around and going viral.
The ease of shareability of AR means the more people interact with your filter, the more the chances of it going viral. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The advantages of AR Filters go well beyond what you might anticipate!
Benefits of AR Filters
Drive Much Higher Engagement
We know that videos are generally more engaging than images. However, AR surpasses them both, as it replaces simple 2D content with immersive content that grabs the attention of many.
AR filters foster greater user interaction in contrast to videos, where viewers merely experience them passively by watching them.
You can create many AR filters that are highly engaging, and users are inclined to spend more time using them. For instance, this immersive filter game was created by Unilever’s Ponds.
Try-Before-You-Buy Filters for Immersive Shopping
At times, online shopping leaves the customer unsure of what will fit them or their environment better in person.
AR Filters are a perfect solution to this issue. For online shoppers, brands can utilize AR Filters to give their customers the option to try on or visualize any product before buying it. It can be anything from clothes to furniture to automobiles to jewelry. The list goes on and on.
Try-Before-You-Buy Filters significantly simplifies the whole purchasing process and makes it a lot more fun for the shoppers which directly impacts any brand.
Go Viral With AR Filters!
6 out of every 10 people on the planet have a social network account
Here’s the number of monthly active users on some of our favorite apps:
- Facebook – 2.9 billion
- YouTube – 2.6 billion
- WhatsApp – 2 billion
- Instagram – 1.47 billion
I’m sure you can imagine how many people will come across your branded AR Filter on such apps. Given the reach of social media platforms, you can promote your brand’s identity to a wider audience and connect with a majority of the Gen Z audience.
The likelihood of a good AR experience becoming popular instantly doubles when it comes to something as intriguing as AR Filters. Platforms such as Vossle make it incredibly easy to create amazing filters for any device, all in a matter of a few minutes. These branded filters have the potential to go viral overnight when created and implemented correctly.
Organic Advertising Tactic to Easily Reach Millions
Since every brand advertises in some capacity, running a successful advertising campaign requires A LOT of work. This is where AR Filters can come in great use. It can be difficult to advertise in a way that makes your brand stand out from the many brands with similar portfolios.
With the ease of customization that AR Filters offers, you can easily add your brand’s name, colors, promise, and so much more. If your filters are excellent, consumers will gladly try them on via AR Experience links or apps like Instagram and Snapchat.
The likelihood that an AR filter will be shared with others is far higher than other marketing tactics due to its ease of shareability and the fact that people engage with filters very frequently.
Users sharing your customized AR Filters with friends and family paves the way for more people to connect to your brand, which is much more beneficial than a 30-second advertisement.
In conclusion, if people like your filters enough and share them with others, your brand will experience high organic reach automatically!
So Much Easier to Recall!
AR increases ad recall by a whopping 70%
AR filters are made to leave a lasting memory because of the level of engagement they offer to users. If done correctly, the user will learn more about your organization after using your filter.
In comparison to non-AR content such as videos, advertisers and businesses can obtain 70% higher levels of memory recall for any potential customers who engage with their AR filters.
Companies can leverage the newest AR filter trends and customize them to fit their needs and brand.
Fosters Brand Loyalty with the Customers
You know it’s a successful AR filter if it represents your brand and shares the message you wish to convey to the audience. With AR Filters, brands can enable their customers to virtually try-on a product (make-up, glasses, shoes, etc.) before making a purchase.
Not only does it lead to confident shopping decisions, but it also makes your customers feel a deeper connection to the brand, hence instilling brand loyalty.
The better the AR Filters, the more people will enjoy them and understand your brand. Hence, if you manage to create fun, engaging, and unique AR Filters, you have a huge opportunity to capitalize on the customers’ brand loyalty.
Conveniently Track and Analyze User Insights
A business can measure the outreach and customer engagement levels of the AR experience or campaign to understand the customer journey better and offer personalized and quality experiences.
See who engaged, measure the outreach, and also re-target those audiences to encourage deeper connection and promote sales.
Learn everything there is to know about your customers across all platforms and devices. You can understand the customer journey and increase marketing ROI with the help of Vossle Analytics.
Excellent Competitive Advantage
AR filters are excellent for expanding your audience. Leveraging this technology as a marketing tactic is assured to give your brand a one-up over competitors.
Be the initial firm to offer an AR filter for your industry if you operate in a particular niche. Something as unique as AR can serve as your company’s USP and even help you connect to your clientele a lot better.
Brands strive hard to distinguish their image from other businesses. So, the brands that connect customer experience with radical technologies like AR not only enhance their brand image but also convey to their customers that they concentrate on continuously improving their experience.
There remain many benefits that AR and AR Filters can provide to brands. If you adopt AR, worrying about large inventories, the cost of creating the goods, the capital to set up a physical store, and so many more such problems will be a thing of the past.
AR was used by over 100 million shoppers in 2021 and is predicted to grow even more in years to come.
This amazing technology is here to stay and now is the best time for you to jump on the AR bandwagon and give your Retail company a fresh, new upgrade.
Think of Vossle when you consider AR because anyone can be a creator on Vossle, regardless of coding experience or not! Start for free today and experience the wonder of AR for yourself.